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Unlock the latest breakthroughs in clinical research, genomics, and molecular diagnostics with curated content designed to keep you at the forefront of scientific discoveries.
Unlock the latest breakthroughs in clinical research, genomics, and molecular diagnostics with curated content designed to keep you at the forefront of scientific discoveries.
Unlock the latest breakthroughs in clinical research, genomics, and molecular diagnostics with curated content designed to keep you at the forefront of scientific discoveries.
Unlock the latest breakthroughs in clinical research, genomics, and molecular diagnostics with curated content designed to keep you at the forefront of scientific discoveries.
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Explore our blogs for a mix of lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
Explore our blogs for a mix of lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
Explore our blogs for a mix of lab hacks, expert tips, and insights
into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
Explore our blogs for a mix of lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
Explore our blogs for a mix of lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.

Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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Explore our blogs for mix lab hacks, expert tips, and insights into the big questions in disease diagnostics and industry stories.
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See our tech in action! Watch product demos, tech deep dives, and behind-the-scenes lab adventures.
See our tech in action! Watch product demos, tech deep dives,
and behind-the-scenes lab adventures.
See our tech in action! Watch product demos, tech deep dives, and behind-the-scenes lab adventures.
See our tech in action! Watch product demos, tech
deep dives, and behind-the-scenes lab adventures.
Discover the Manta | Cambrian Bioworks

Cambrian Bioworks
Meet the Manta, a compact and powerful nucleic acid extraction system built to streamline your lab's workflow.
Precision medicine for all by Cambrian Bioworks

Cambrian Bioworks
Automated DNA/RNA extraction from FFPE tissues and cfDNA isolation from plasma samples.
Automated DNA extraction from DBS cards

Cambrian Bioworks
Cambrian Bioworks presents automation ready DNA extraction kits standardised to run with DBS cards especially used in new born screening.
Discover the Manta | Cambrian Bioworks

Cambrian Bioworks
Meet the Manta, a compact and powerful nucleic acid extraction system built to streamline your lab's workflow.
Precision medicine for all by Cambrian Bioworks

Cambrian Bioworks
Automated DNA/RNA extraction from FFPE tissues and cfDNA isolation from plasma samples.
Automated DNA extraction from DBS cards

Cambrian Bioworks
Cambrian Bioworks presents automation ready DNA extraction kits standardised to run with DBS cards especially used in new born screening.
Our podcast series:
Beyond the Bench
Our podcast series:
Beyond the Bench
Our podcast series:
Beyond the Bench
Our podcast series:
Beyond the Bench
Our podcast series:
Beyond the Bench
Big ideas. Bold conversations.
Join industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators
from molecular diagnostics, genomics, and healthcare
as they share stories and experiences.
Big ideas. Bold conversations.
Join industry experts, thought leaders,
and innovators from molecular diagnostics,
genomics, and healthcare as they share
stories and experiences.
Big ideas. Bold conversations.
Join industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators
from molecular diagnostics, genomics, and healthcare
as they share stories and experiences.
Big ideas. Bold conversations.
Join industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators from molecular diagnostics, genomics, and healthcare as they share stories and experiences.
Big ideas. Bold conversations.
Join industry experts, thought leaders,
and innovators from molecular diagnostics,
genomics, and healthcare as they share
stories and experiences.
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📚Time for a tidbit:
The first DNA
extraction ever!
📚Time for a tidbit:
The first DNA
extraction ever!
📚Time for a tidbit:
The first DNA
extraction ever!
📚Time for a tidbit:
The first DNA
extraction ever!
📚Time for a tidbit:
The first DNA extraction ever!
In 1869, Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher accidentally discovered DNA while studying white blood cells. He isolated a substance from cell nuclei and called it "nuclein". This was the first documented DNA extraction protocol - using nothing more than salt solutions, alcohol, and meticulous technique, Miescher separated a substance he didn't yet understand would become the foundation of modern molecular biology.
Little did Miescher know that his simple extraction method would become the ancestor of countless sophisticated protocols used today in research laboratories worldwide.
Building on his pioneering legacy, our protocols refine and advance the foundation he established. Explore them below.
In 1869, Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher accidentally discovered DNA while studying white blood cells. He isolated a substance from cell nuclei and called it "nuclein". This was the first documented DNA extraction protocol - using nothing more than salt solutions, alcohol, and meticulous technique, Miescher separated a substance he didn't yet understand would become the foundation of modern molecular biology.
Little did Miescher know that his simple extraction method would become the ancestor of countless sophisticated protocols used today in research laboratories worldwide.
Building on his pioneering legacy, our protocols refine and advance the foundation he established. Explore them below.
In 1869, Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher accidentally discovered DNA while studying white blood cells. He isolated a substance from cell nuclei and called it "nuclein". This was the first documented DNA extraction protocol - using nothing more than salt solutions, alcohol, and meticulous technique, Miescher separated a substance he didn't yet understand would become the foundation of modern molecular biology.
Little did Miescher know that his simple extraction method would become the ancestor of countless sophisticated protocols used today in research laboratories worldwide.
Building on his pioneering legacy, our protocols refine and advance the foundation he established. Explore them below.
In 1869, Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher accidentally discovered DNA while studying white blood cells. He isolated a substance from cell nuclei and called it "nuclein". This was the first documented DNA extraction protocol - using nothing more than salt solutions, alcohol, and meticulous technique, Miescher separated a substance he didn't yet understand would become the foundation of modern molecular biology.
Little did Miescher know that his simple extraction method would become the ancestor of countless sophisticated protocols used today in research laboratories worldwide.
Building on his pioneering legacy, our protocols refine and advance the foundation he established. Explore them below.
In 1869, Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher accidentally discovered DNA while studying white blood cells. He isolated a substance from cell nuclei and called it "nuclein". This was the first documented DNA extraction protocol - using nothing more than salt solutions, alcohol, and meticulous technique, Miescher separated a substance he didn't yet understand would become the foundation of modern molecular biology.
Little did Miescher know that his simple extraction method would become the ancestor of countless sophisticated protocols used today in research laboratories worldwide.
Building on his pioneering legacy, our protocols refine and advance the foundation he established. Explore them below.
Ready-to-use protocols
Ready-to-use protocols
Ready-to-use protocols
Explore our comprehensive instructions for use for each SKU, ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistent results every time.
Explore our comprehensive instructions for use for each SKU, ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistent results every time.
Explore our comprehensive instructions for use for each SKU,
ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistent results every time.
Explore our comprehensive instructions for use for each SKU, ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistent results every time.
Explore our comprehensive instructions for use for each SKU, ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistent results every time.
Quality that you can trust
Quality that you
can trust
Quality that you can trust
Quality that you
can trust
Quality that you can trust
Our Certificates of Analysis (COAs) guarantee top-tier quality. Every batch, every time—because your work deserves nothing less.
Our Certificates of Analysis (COAs) guarantee top-tier quality. Every batch, every time—because your work deserves nothing less.
Our Certificates of Analysis (COAs) guarantee top-tier quality.
Every batch, every time—because your work deserves nothing less.
Our Certificates of Analysis (COAs) guarantee top-tier quality. Every batch, every time—because your work deserves nothing less.
Our Certificates of Analysis (COAs) guarantee top-tier quality. Every batch, every time—because your work deserves nothing less.
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© Cambrian Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
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© Cambrian Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
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© Cambrian Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
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© Cambrian Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
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© Cambrian Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, Karnataka